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Kween Pen Presents

Never Going Back

Never Going Back

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Everything that glitters isn’t gold, our mothers and grandmothers warned us, but some people just have to find out the hard way. Beautiful, intelligent, and successful, the only thing missing in Iyana’s life is a man, but when she meets Bryan, all of that changes, whether she’s ready or not.

Well put together and glittering like that gold on the outside, Bryan is dull as dust on the inside. Sucked in by his manipulations, Iyana spends years tangled in his web and searching for a way out before he bleeds her dry.

When Iyana suddenly disappears, Bryan is left scrambling for another victim, yet another woman to manipulate, brainwash, and gaslight into taking care of him and allowing him to control her life. In his narcissistic world, Bryan always comes out on top… until he doesn’t.

When all his plans backfire on him in the worst way, Bryan is left out in the cold on his own struggling to survive.

Eventually, Iyana has to figure out what’s real and what’s an illusion built to bend her into playing someone else’s game. When Iyana finally chooses herself, she is left with the first lesson of life after a narcissist:

Never feel guilty, but never go back.

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