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Kween Pen Presents

Mona Liza

Mona Liza

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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The long game and getting long money the long way- that's all life is about for Elizabeth Denison a.k.a. Mona Liza. No one and nothing is truly as it seems, and Mona Liza is proof of that fact. Accompanied by her best friend Trell- a selfish, conceited womanizer who believes himself to be a pimp with no respect for the female race- and occasionally her friends Layla and Kisha, Mona Liza targets only the top players and biggest ballers, and she hits all of the biggest licks. With Liz and Trell on the prowl for their next big come-up and able to smell money a mile away, no wallet or purse is safe. They'll stop at nothing to take everything and win big. But where there is much to be gained, there are even greater risks that have to be taken. When things start to spiral out of control, Liz and Trell find the lives of everyone around them on the line, and everyone can't make it out the game in one piece. Caught in the crossfire of Cupid's arrow and Satan's shotgun, Mona Liza has to decide what type of life she really wants to live when the smoke clears. Will she be able to leave the fast cash alone for a more secure lifestyle, or will she choose a life of solitude, independence, and distrust over having someone to answer to, no matter what promises they make? Just how close to The Crossroads does Liz have to come before she crosses out her life of crime?
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